Health & Safety

ASG Group believes that its employees are its most valuable resource and that their health, safety and welfare is of paramount importance.

We recognise health and safety is an integral part of the businesses ability to perform, and by preventing workplace injuries, ill-health, reducing unnecessary losses and liabilities we not only support our workforce but ensure our customers needs and expectations are met.

ASG Group is committed to:

1. Complying with all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.

2. Providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment.

3. Ensuring the safe handling, storage and use of substances.

4. Providing suitable information, instruction, training, and supervision for all.

5. Providing a safe place of work, free from danger with suitable means of access / egress.

6. A continuous improvement program reviewing health and safety performance data.

To help achieve our objectives:

6.1. All employees have a duty to take reasonable care for themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities.

6.2. The ASG Board is committed to developing a culture that supports the management of health and safety, they ensure the necessary financial and physical resource and that the competence of its employees and provision of necessary access to expert advice to support the health and safety policy is made available.

ASG Groups health and safety performance objectives will be monitored continuously and will be subject to regular audits / inspections.


The responsibility for implementing health and safety measures lie with each and every one of us. At every ASG Group location the site manager / director will ensure health, safety, welfare and environmental issues are effectively managed.

Revised September 2024